Bitcoin is the most valuable asset in human history

When I first started writing this blog, the price of a single bitcoin was around $230 or so. Today the price of a single bitcoin is beyond $17,000 along with a whole slew of new financial assets that have been created by no governments or bankers; but by cryptography, computers, and coders alone.


This new kind of money serves not the interests of the banking and corporate elites, or the corrupt government ministers who kowtow to them; but the people who control them alone.

We have seen Bitcoin become the most valuable financial asset in human history despite all of the harping of bankers, economist, and purported ‘experts’ of finance, economics, and money. They  have declared bitcoin are a scourge, that it is ‘rat poison’ and is something to be detested. They say that bitcoin is a grievous wound against all of society, and it must be destroyed.  Again and again we hear from them that bitcoin is a bubble, that it has no social value, and that it is going to ‘crash’–and yet we find that the honey badger of money continues its slog upward and to the right despite all of their raging cries.

This is by no mistake, as Bitcoin is fundamentally better at storing value than any fiat currencies in existence today. This is because of bitcoin’s fixed and known monetary supply and monetary inflation rates. More importantly however is the social consciousness and consensus that allows for bitcoin to exist and never be destroyed. People can now control their personal wealth with nothing more than the power of cryptography. Bitcoin is rewriting the entire way that money is understood and used, which will become a political conquest within the coming decades.

Saving in fiat money is for chumps

keynes“Why would anyone outside of a lunatic asylum want to hold money? What an insane use to put it! For it is a recognized characteristic of money as a store of wealth that it is barren; whereas practically every other form of storing wealth yields some interest or profit.”

–John Maynard Keynes

Today, each and every form of fiat money is nothing more than a legal tender that holds value simply because governments command it. However, if we look over the course of history; again, and again, we see states fail, governments collapse, and their money always inflates to nothing. This is not by mistake, but by design. Just look at what has happened in Venezuela over the last few years.

What those in contemporary finance and government fail to see is that bitcoin radically departs from state-sponsored financial systems and the tyranny that they enable. For the better part of modern human history we have simply had to deal with the fact that government officials could show up at our places of business or our homes, rob us at gun point and call it legal. That governments everywhere could simply fictionalize up mountains of money and give it to their corrupt banking and corporate friends, and tell us it was for our own good.

Again and again, we see the powers-that-be prod us down the road to serfdom, and tell us it is the yellow brick road to the Emerald City. We have seen what happens to those who follow that path, and the poverty it creates for all of us.

The revolution that we have all been waiting for is finally here, and it is the radical divorce of state and money from each other. Governments were never entitled to steal the wealth of the world for themselves and for their barbaric and unholy purposes. We finally have a way to resist their tyranny and fight back with economic means alone. Just as we once saw the radical divorce of church and state fundamentally change society for the better, we will once again witness such a radical epochal change–but this time it will be from the separation of money from the state.

Those of us who hodl bitcoin know and understand that bitcoin has nothing to do with money. The true purpose of Bitcoin is to create a new form of economic power that will be the harbinger of a new society from which freedom and liberty are more than meager slogans. Bitcoin will empower a society where all economic power is outside and beyond the control of the state; and the monstrous banking and financial sectors will be vanquished from this earth once and for all. It is from this base of power that we are creating that a whole new society within the framework of the web that will allow for us to free ourselves from debt bondage, and corporate slavery forever.

Bitcoin will become the most value asset in history not only because it is a better form of money, but because of the astounding economic, social, and political power it creates. Through tearing out the economic base of the corrupt systems of fiat money; we can create a new and more egalitarian society using the power of the Bitcoin and cryptography. The banners we will raise in this new society will have the following inscribed upon them for all to see and choose to follow if they wish:

To each according to their code, to each according to their keys! 



A spectre is haunting the world — the spectre of Cryptoism. All the powers of the old world of flesh and steel have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: political puppets of every party around the globe, regulators and bankers from every corner of the planet, and police and military forces of every nationality.

Two things result from this fact:

I. Crypto and cyberspace is already acknowledged by all world powers to be itself a power.

II. It is high time that Digital Natives should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their view, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Cryptoism with a manifesto of objectives.

To this end, digital citizens around the world have started running nodes to distribute our code, and create a new society across the global. Arise Digizens! You have nothing left to lose but the chains of the old world, and a whole world to win!

From each according to the code, to each according to the keys!

Trojan Horse Blockchain

trojan horseBitcoin is the trojan horse of the fiat monetary system and will ultimately end the state’s control of money. However this process will also compromise bitcoin’s core principals and cause for the corruption of bitcoin’s pseudonymous traits. Over the next decade as the cryptoeconomy expands its reach to become truly global, the financial system will quake as its foundation shifts from state fiat money, to decentralized digital currencies. While we should celebrate the rise of digital currencies, the full collapse of governments and global financial system is unlikely.

What we will see instead will be the horrifying metamorphosis of bitcoin into a panoptic nightmare. Bitcoin will be used by governments, bankers, and regulators to track our every purchase, and monitor all financial activity. Tainting tools will become so powerful that pretty much any bitcoin transaction will be possible to de-anonymize.

The crisis of fiat money will change not only finance and banking for the better, but the nature of governance as we know it. Bitcoin is going to be a trojan horse to the fiat banking system, and will destroy all government monopolies on this issuance of money. While bitcoin will be able to act as a check on the economic power of governments, in doing so it is also going to expose bitcoin to rigorous state regulations, and ultimately the full capturing of bitcoin as a whole system. Bitcoin may end the state’s control of money, but it may also open the path to the state’s ability to watch all financial transactions.

Inverting Bitcoin

Blythe Masters

Blythe Masters

This video at the Bank of England with Blythe Masters she speaks about what she believes to be in store for the future of bitcoin. She openly admit that the state supports her project, and that, “There will be no currency that gets around government controls.” Later the host of the program states, “There is no innovation that governments cannot seize for their own advantage…” This is followed by a discussion of the panopticon effect that bitcoin can have through tainting bitcoins and tracking their movements. All of this seems to be eluding to the capturing of bitcoin–banks and governments are working together to ‘inverting’ the blockchain to monitor all transactions.

Capturing Bitcoin

To capture bitcoin, all that governments need to do is auction off the bitcoin payment system to be regulated under the threat of force. This is already happening and companies like Coinalytics and Elliptic and providing the tools to taint and track bitcoins coming from anywhere. Effectively, this make every bitcoin highly traceable, which in turn can allow the banking system to merge with bitcoin to create a financial panopticon.

bitcoin-taintingThis new global monetary system where bitcoin will act as the rails of the financial system is magnitudes more efficient than all current fiat systems. This will create a lower general transaction cost when compared to any fiat money today, and will be the foothold that digital currencies will take to win out economically over fiat money in the long run. This is the inversion of bitcoin and will be how bitcoin will finally ‘die’ because of state compromise.

However, this is only the death of bitcoin’s body, not its soul.

Death by state and bank compromise will create the conditions for bitcoin’s core mission to be achieved through it becoming a trojan horse within their own system. This will cause for the destruction of fiat money, and will reassert the power of the purse back into the hands of the people.

There is no way that banks and financial service companies will be able to use ‘the blockchain’ (i.e. bitcoin) without also causing two other actions to happen simultaneously:

  1. The legitimization of bitcoin and other digital currencies as a global money.
  2. Exposing the legacy financial system to speculative attacks from the cryptocurrency economy, ultimately leading to a devaluation of fiat money against bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as fiat money is displaced.

Capturing the State

If bitcoin becomes a global reserve currency, as the central bank of Barbados believes it could be, then bitcoin is forging a path towards capturing the state through the very means by which it has captured all of us: through economic means.

resistBitcoin has some flaws in regards to its privacy that should scare off neer-do-wellers and privacy advocates alike. However, these same aspects are what makes bitcoin very, very appealing to the financial world, and is the reason they will start using bitcoin as their base currency under the mantra of ‘blockchain’. The transparent nature of the blockchain offers the possibility of a totally regulated and systematized world of digital currencies that is a statist wet-dream. However, through implementing such a system, states will also lose control of their choke hold on the economy, and will eventually find it slipping through their grip entirely. The fundamental truth is that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are better money than ANY form of money that we have ever seen! This is by virtue of that cryptocurrencies are not state-controlled, and cannot be state-controlled. It is plain and simple economics at the end of the day which is going to cause for bitcoin and other digital currencies to win out over fiat money.

Bitcoin has created a whole new generation of crypto-activist who see the power of digital currencies and cryptography in a way that will allow for a new fundamental form of power to exercise itself. The trojan horse is not bitcoin itself, but to see the possibility of real economic independence outside and beyond the control of the state which bitcoin enables. There is no longer any separation between politics and economics, and that is the very space in which we will make the new digital economy, and ensure our liberties through strong crypto.

Through refusing to use their corrupt money that they use for war, oppression, violence, and to keep the general population impoverished; we can force governments everywhere to respect our freedoms which our ancestors fought and died for. The state was never suppose to have economic sovereignty over us, and it is now time for us to reclaim that sacred right, and ensure it can never be taken away again. Strike against state capitalism, and reclaim your financial freedom which was never suppose to be taken in the first place!

Money and The Means of Production

Marx“Each country has its own ruling class. In capitalist countries, the rulers own the means of production and employ workers. The capitalist class is also called the bourgeoisie. Means of production are what it takes to produce goods. Raw materials, satellite networks, machinery, ships and factories are examples. Workers own nothing but their ability to sell their labor for a wage.” -Karl Marx

The means of production are the actual objects that one needs to own in order to be able to produce goods. This could be anything from real land to the machinery that can create textiles. The means of production are investments that will create products, which in turn creates capital for the owner of the means of production so they can pay their workers some portion of that capital. However, in an advanced capitalist society the most prominent means of production is capital alone, and this can be seen with how financial markets now dwarf all other economic markets today.

Considering how deep capitalism penetrates into all facets of our globalized society, it can be said today that capital is the primary means of production. Capital within our society can purchase all, and can do anything, and can make any decision: money is the only true sovereign in a capitalist society.

Everything is for sale, and nothing is scared anymore, including their law. 

The State, Capital, and The Means of Production

politicians and bankersMoney is the central component of a capitalist system. This once was gold, sliver, and other commodity-monies, but as the state grew in power throughout the centuries, it came to regard the freedom of money as ‘dangerous’ and seized all forms of commodity-monies. Ironically, FDR did this to save capitalism, and in doing so he created the conditions state-capitalism. Check out this link for more on bitcoin and the history of money to understand how money has become nothing more than government debt backed by legal violence.

In this last stage of capitalism, the power of the state and capital become one; fused through totalitarian state capitalism by the monopolization of the monetary system. No longer is the separation of money from the state, or the state from money possible–they have fused together with state’s control of the monetary system. Due to the monopoly on the right to violence governments also hold, this gives them the power to ensure that only they can issue money. The state has forced people to give up real commodity monies with intrinsic value, for fiat scrips with no underlying value. This action took place over the course of the last century along with a complex campaigns of psychological warfare against the liberty of money to allow for the state itself to become money.

It is because of this that today gold and silver are little more than investment scams ran by the same banks that peddle the state’s fiat scrips.  Nearly all economic exchange is taking place using fiat money; a money that cannot be differentiated or distinguished from state power itself. Through the legalized monopoly that central banks have, the state now fully controls the means of exchange and the mode of production within advanced capitalist societies: money.

Money as Propaganda


11th century Venetian gold ducat

The greatest secret about money is that it is only social–only men can create money, nature cannot. However, nature does create value, and it is this that we are seeking out.

From the very first forms of money, it has always been maintained by statist that it is not the precious metal that has value, but the stamp that is malleated into the gold or silver which has value. This is nothing more than propaganda. It is part of the greater illusion that the state has any bearing on the value of money.

The states original purpose for stamping commodity monies was to act as fair and just regulator in the setting of the weights and measure for coinage. However that was centuries ago, and is little more than a tale to justify government seigniorage. Today the state has anointed itself with the very right to create money and however much it they may choose. Through the complete need for the state to monopolize money, we also see the signature of why money must be monopolized by the state in the first place.

Money is the true sovereign. Money alone can decide the exception to the law.  

Money is the final weapon in an advanced capitalist society, as money is the most powerful form of production in an advance technological society. Through using a monetary system that is outside of the control of any state, we are creating the scaffolding for the next epoch of society. Through using money that is controlled by no state, but the internet itself; we will usher in the hegemony of the digital. This is the bases for a new form of sovereignty and economics in a post-statist world.

Monetary Control = Economic Control = Political Control


The command of money is little more than command of the economy itself. This is why the state must control money, or else it will lose control of all the fuckery they do within the economy. This is why exiting from the fiat economy and using cryptocurrencies is the most power form of protest that one can take. Through using cryptocurrencies we seize the greatest means of production in our society: The monetary system itself.

When less than 100 people owning more wealth than the billions of people in the entire lower half of society, it is clear who owns the monetary system. Through refusing to use their corrupt, inflationary money; we seize the greatest means of production and deactivate the state totalitarian machine.

Through striking at the monopolization of money itself, we strike at the very root, the very heart of the problem in our globalized world today.

Too few have owned too much, at the expense of too many, for too long.

We will change this.

We are choosing to use a different monetary system. One that is protected by the immanence of cryptography, and outside of the corrupt hands of the state. By using and hodling digital currencies, we are seizing the most powerful means of production in our society, and how the state keeps control of our lives and economy. By striking at money itself, we can reappropriate our economic system from the hands of the state capitalism, and usher in a new era of freedom, and liberty for all.

The Brinkmanship of Crypto

“A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy. Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever knowing the true name, or legal identity, of the other. Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive rerouting of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.”
― Peter Ludlow, Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias

States believe themselves to be above and beyond the laws and constitutions that created them. They believe they are the law itself, no different from the kings and emperors that came before them. This has driven the world under the leadership of state governments into a dangerous power struggle with their own people. This game of brinkmanship has led to the extreme development and deployment of cryptography as a means to resist tyranny, and will cause for the downfall of states in the coming years as they lose control of the means of communications, exchange, and ultimately their population.

Due to the constant transgressions of all States into a territory to which they have no claim, we have been forced to use the power of encryption to shield ourselves from their glaring eyes. We use encryption to protect the very rights to which we are entitled, but which the state would still deny us. The same aggressive, violent and illegal behavior states display outwardly towards each other, they now present towards their own people. The have pushed us into a brinkmanship that can only end in our mutually assured destruction:

The people, as bound and sworn subjects, and States, as sovereign governments that reign through the power of the Social Contract and constitutions that bind us.

This is how the old social contract is destroyed, and new smarter one is deployed.

Encryption as Resistance to Tyranny

The power struggle for states to control all communications has each state engaged in a civil war against their own citizen for control of all information. States violate civil liberties of their citizens systematically, utilizing violent police actions to respond to our political actions. We are fed propaganda that such actions are for our own safety, and that the state must see all and approve of all to protect against ‘terrorist’ that are little more than a fabrication. We are brainwashed from a young age not to disobey authority or we will be met with the truncheon and broken teeth. Direct physical resistances is impossible and merely gains us broken bones, and lengthy prison sentences. To abscond into bits is our only hope now.

These repressive bodies of armed men under the authority of the state has driven the circumstances which impels the development of cryptosystems. This dangerous game that has all states engaged in brinkmanship against their citizens, violating their right to privacy and interloping into every facet of life for ‘security reasons’. Through these actions, states have caused for the extreme development and use of cryptosystems across the global. States have proven themselves to no longer be trusted, and we must use crypto to protect ourselves from them. People around the globe can now use crypto to negate the economic and political functions of the state, and evade their unjust draconian laws.

Digital currencies are the economic empowerment of cryptosystems that fights against both corrupt bankers, and the corrupt state fiat money system. Over the next several years there will be a florishment of activity from System D, and the global south as they discover what crypto can do for them. This will be at the expense of the contemporary economic and political system, as more and more people choose to exit state economies and political systems, and join the new digital ones.

Economic Resistance Through Digital Currencies

It is inevitable that this new form of technological capital will clash against the old forms industrial capital. Through the creative deconstruction of money as a social ideal, bitcoin recreates capital as access to, and direct ownership of the social network that is money. It renders a new kind of capital that is based upon mathematics, encryption, and technology; which is superior and more efficient that the violent monetary monopolies of state fiat capital.

Crypto provides absolute protection of both ones communications, and now wealth as well. It is from this base of power that we can start to understand the true power at the root of digital currencies.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are new forms of capital that any person can use from anywhere on the planet. We are creating a new world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth.  We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity. State legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are all based on matter, and there is no matter here.

Through the understanding and application of cryptocurrenices and cryptosystems to the modern economic and political machine, we are forging a new future; outside and beyond the controls of states from the past.

Digital Solidarity

There is solidarity to be found in our mutual quest to have transparent, privacy-protected form of wealth. This solidarity is transnational in its nature, and can be found among people in every corner of the globe. We now have a mode of true economic resistance that will allow for us to reject the corrupt beast of government and capitalism, while forging a more egalitarian system for all. There is now an economic system which makes economic exploitation much more difficult. This will create a rising tide for all, at the expense of the contemporary capitalist class. Crypto gives people a way to organize, communicate, and exchange for themselves, without the approval of the state and outside of the banking system. This new form of international money can operate outside the bounds and beyond the limitations of any, and all states. It is truly a manifestation of a digital sovereign; an economic and political power that is beholden only to itself.

People of the world will adopt cryptocurrencies in the coming decades, not from the majesty that is offered by the mathematical security of these systems, but the from the sheer economic efficiency they present against the old monetary system. Digital currencies are too efficient and inexpensive when compared to the expensive, corrupt, inept system of finance, exchange, economics, and banking the world has today–the transaction cost of cryptocurrency systems are just too low compared to fiat ones. Digital currencies can help our society solve the fundamental issue that has always existed between money, and exploitation: the control of money itself.

Hidden from the all-seeing oppressive panopticon of the technological totalitarian state; crypto is the organizational weapon against the bureaucratic state, their police armies of death, and their alliances with corrupt capitalist who poison and permanently destroy vast swaths of the natural world. We can now fight back without needing to subjugate ourselves to the violence that will meet us if we organization in the streets. We must strike at the root of the problem, which is economic in nature, and has manifest itself though the control money by a small corrupt group of politicians and bankers. We must end this exploitation, and the only way is to create and use another system of money which they can have no power over.

Crypto Endgame

There is a total war that is happening against all people right now–a grand civil war that has all states engaged against all people. This war is pervasive, all-seeing, and complete in the most insidious ways. The web of torment and despair we have endure can only be made present by the catastrophe as Angelus Novus sees it. This is about far more than just money and economics–this is about justice, redemption, and the creation of a free future for all.

As people start to see through the illusion of money and how governments use that to control their populations; their will be a slow abandonment of government fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies. Through withdrawing our support of fiat money, the old system will collapse upon itself, and there will be a grand jubilee. States will be forced to acknowledge our economic power, and ask for our help–to which we will say no, and we will watch them burn.

The war by the state against citizens is larger than about simply having privacy, or a right to personal wealth–this is about fascism. The insidious, hidden mode in which intolerance and oppression is allowed to exist through an authoritarian state masters commanded by capitalist. These people in government care more about controlling people through violence, than to resolve the problems that propel their populations to demand justice. We can now create that on our own; without their help and beyond their control.

We are creating a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.

What Is To Be Done

“Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.”


At the end of the 20th century humanity was given the most powerful tool that the world has ever seen: the internet. In less than 20 years, the internet has evolved from being a slow, complex, obscure piece of technology to connecting billions of people today with just the flick of a button. Despite the fact that we can use the internet to communicate more efficiently, and exchange information with magnitudes more efficiency then just a few decades ago; we still find the shadow of fascism grow larger with each passing day…

Control of our respective economic, political, and social systems have been overtaken by corrupt capitalist and their political stooges, and now they seek to take over the internet itself. It does not matter if you are German, Korean, Argentinian, or American–all of our systems have been corrupted in the same way, with the same methodology, by the same class of people. Corruption reigns supreme, while the basic needs of society as a whole are ignored. Self-determined humans everywhere have been hamstrung by economic corruption, government impotence, and social cowardice to ensure that the wealthy will always win.

This is THE defining feature of ALL so-called democracies around the world. Unless we choose to fight this corruption directly and to strike at the single root which unites them; we will continue to suffer under their exploitation. The single feature which unites them is fiat money; and that is the very structure–the very object–which we seek to destroy. Through the promotion, advocacy, and use of digital currencies we can destroy the contemporary financial system, which is controlled by the 0.1% at the expense of the whole of society.

Politics and Economics are Inseparable

screen-shot-2016-11-19-at-10-56-54-amWe must understand that there is absolutely no division between economics and politics. It is by the very make up of our political and monetary system that all economic conditions are determined. It is only when we fully recognize that political power is only economy power that we will be able to create the revolutionary struggle against all state monetary systems and their kleptocratic allies.

Never has there been a greater need for true radicalism to emerge to challenge the fascism hidden in the folds of all governments. We must radically divide ourselves from every other supposed ‘political’ group in order to make our struggle clear. Each and every sort of progressive movement throughout the world today finds itself under the constant glare of the fascist machine to ensure it remains complacent and broken. Threatened to be violently crushed back down each time we rises up; the people callow under the glare of the machine like cattle calmed by the hushes of butchers. For the first time in history, there is a real possibility for true international proletarianism, if we choose it.

We can use the internet to as our revolutionary vehicle to organize ourselves, and digital currencies as our method to create economic independence. All that is left is to create the organizational structure that will create a new future, in solidarity will all oppressed people everywhere.

As this new form of power grows to show what it is capable of, a new power structure will form–a polis within the internet itself, which will become the citizenship of the future.

From this base of power we can start to organize against all states, and the corporate machines that control them. As our membership grows, so will our political practice, and our political consciousness. This is how we build a new future outside and beyond the horrors that currently haunt the future which we are marching into.

Beyond The Spectacle

tv-specDespite the incredible power of the internet, today we stand stunned and seduced before it; subject to it, rather than subjugating it. We are hypnotized by the taste of the social architecture; the dazzle of infinite distraction. Wsuccumb to the inertia of the impossibility of our task; feeling no more than a hollow glimmer that a different world is possible. Today even the most ‘radical’ solutions are little more than an impotent sigh; a sign of caring imbued with defeat from the start. Not an action of true struggle, but the compromises of slaves who know freedom can never be a reality.

The Left, crushed and broken for decades, has become little more then a false idol to placate the the liberal masses. To offer some illusion of progressiveness is the sole duty of liberalism, while allowing for nothing to change. Even socialist today are little more then apologist for the capitalist system, only wishing for a more ruthless exertion of state control upon capital.

If want to create a new way forward, the only way is to break the bonds of the old system itself: Money.

By break the antiquated money system of old, while cultivation any new one they do not control; we can change everything.

The New Way Forward

Every party today wishes, beg, and cowtows for The Machine of State-Capitalism to change its horrific ways.

Where is the party to which would stand and fight against this Machine? Where is the party that would crush it where it stands and to uncompromisingly disassemble each and every last cog of the machine to make way for a better tomorrow? Where is this party that proclaims to be a true representative of the people? This party is nowhere to be found, which is why we must lead to a new way of life that is beyond parties and politics.

It is this false hope that a ‘party’ can steer the state and use that power for good which is the greatest enemy of our cause. To believe in the legitimacy of a corrupt electoral system only empowers the corrupt, and legitimizes their evils. To truly create change we must go beyond the false political consciousness we have been given, and construct a radical new one.

No Gods of Government, No Masters of Money.

We radically divide ourselves from the liberals, socialist, communist, and libertarians who refuse to work towards a better tomorrow without the state, and against the capitalist machine. They beg and plead to reform this horrible system, and would rather tolerate a corrupt, inept government; then acknowledge the puppet democracy for the false idol it is. It is only when we realize reform is impossible, that we will be free to achieve inevitable:


To Create a Revolutionary Future

We must create our own organization that stands against the evil anachronistic ways of the past, while radically embracing the liberative power that digital technology harnesses. We must make a global technology union for all people that will stand, serve, and protect the rights of each individual against the interlopings of all thieves; be it in the form of banks, the state, or violence itself. This is what will become the citizenship of the new society that is forming in the shell of the old.

Everything we need to change money–which changes everything–is in our hands. The only thing left to do is to build, collaborate, and create the future we must have.

“For the anarchist, freedom is not an abstract philosophical concept, but the vital concrete possibility of every human being to bring to full development all of their powers, capacities and talents with which nature has endowed them, and turn them to social account.” ― Rudolf Rocker

Bitcoin: A Utopian Response to Nightmare Capitalism

I recently ran across this piece, “Bitcoin: utopian reflection of a capitalist nightmare” on Upon reading it I felt deeply saddened that comrades in the struggle against capitalism could be so misled from the facts of what bitcoin is, and how it is the most powerful tool we have ever had to fight capitalism. Sadly, the author lacked the technical understand of bitcoin, which has allowed for him to write bitcoin off as having flaws that are not actually there. I will take this opportunity to respond to this erroneous essay with many inaccuracies, and offer an explanation for why marxist of all colors should radically embrace digital currencies, and organize around them.

Bitcoin as a Currency

bitcoin-revolutionFirst and foremost, we need to dispel the myth of what bitcoin is, and is not. Bitcoin is a commodity money. It is disingenuous to state that it is backed by nothing when there is a very real energy cost that it takes to create each new block of bitcoin’s blockchain.  What makes bitcoin just like gold coins, silver bars, oil barrels, or cigarette cartons is that these are all commodities which are very uniform, have a commodity use-value, and a standard count or measure, which in-turn creates an exchange value. This exchange value is separate from the commodity value, and creates its additional value through ease of exchange. This ease of exchange and measure is what makes these commodities special: they are commodity-monies.

The commodity value of bitcoin comes from the real physical electrical energy that must be spent in order to create bitcoins. For each block of bitcoin that has been mined, there is an explicit amount of electrical energy that it took to create that new block reward of bitcoin. Bitcoin is not just a currency, but it is a commodity money, and a fully self-contained payment and storage of value system that needs no third party arbitrators because of the real commodity value that is imbued into bitcoin.

Means of Exchange

It is important to note that like other commodity monies bitcoin also has a concentration of socially necessary labour time. It does this in a two ways through having both a commodity value, and a use-value via exchange. The explicit electrical cost to ‘mine’ bitcoin creates the base commodity value of bitcoin. The use-value of bitcoin is created through the divisibility of value, ease of exchange, and advanced security of bitcoin. These features allow for bitcoin to act as a universal equivalent in which the value of all other commodities can be measured, while offer a total security that no fiat money, or other commodity can ever offer. What sets bitcoin apart from all other commodity monies is that it is impossible to seize bitcoin if they are stored properly.

83882-governmentthebrilliantideathatweshouldstoplunaticsfromlyingmurderingstealingfromusbyhiringlunaticstoliemurderstealfromusAll other commodity monies and forms of wealth throughout all of history have been perpetually seized by force–stealing under the banner of government is as old as society itself.

In the United States executive order 6102 was issued in 1933 to allow for the US government to seize all gold on deposit in US banks. This was the start of the global government scam to make the storage of value that money was, into an ever inflating debt bubble backed only by the force of government. This is what allow for the financing of the great wars of the 20th century, and for the great extension of transglobal imperialism under the banner of capitalism and democracy. Never has so much been taken by so few, with such a great cost to the whole of society.

Money now only exist as government issued debt tokens. The whole modern economic machine hinges on people using and exchange these ever-inflating government tokens in order for them to keep their value, as there is no commodity value–only exchange value by the decree of law. This is especially true for the United States Dollar, which due to its exorbitant economic privilege allows for it to continually expand its money supply dramatically, while having it sucked up by other nation-states which have struggled to issue their own currency, so they use the USD. Money is no longer a social agreement, but an imperialist tool that governments and corporations alike have forced on to their populous.

We must understand that state-issued currencies are the objects that allow for the perpetuation of corrupt, state-based transglobal capitalism. It is through the state’s monopoly on the issuance of money which allows for government debt financing, costly illegal wars, and the fusion of state power, and capitalist power into a single totalitarian power. This power is based upon the willingness of the general populous to use the state’s debt tokens as their form of exchange. If people simply refused to use the state’s money, their entire economy system would collapse overnight.

It is only through creating economic exchange outside of the confines of the state that we can realistic create independence and sovereignty for ourselves. Through using digital currencies as the primary mode of economic exchange, we can nullify the state’s ability to steal from us through taxation and inflation, but we also banish them from our sphere of economic activity. The internet and digital commons are sovereign; bitcoin and digital currencies are the mode of economic exchange that explicitly disallows for the participation of the state.

Money as Social Relations

Money-From-SocialBitcoin is the money of the internet. Digital currencies can allow for all economic transactions to be self contained within the digital sphere of the internet–no governments, no banks, no Gods, no Masters can dictate what you can, or cannot buy. The real question at the end of the day, is who do YOU want to control your money?

Banks and governments who have proven time and time again, that they will inflate the money supply, steal from their own citizens to make war, and are more than happy violate any and all laws to enrich those that are part of the established order. Again, and again through history we can see that every single government that has came into existence has used the power create money as a mode to enrich themselves while impoverishing their people. The social relation of money under state governments is one of their ability to force you into their economy system–it is not a relationship of choice or economics, but one of power and corrosion.

Money is a social tool, and we cannot separate it from the societies that are part of it–yet, somehow, that is the exact world that we live in today. Money today is not some democratic project of economy agreement; it is a relationship that has been forced on to every individual with no choice whatsoever. The US dollar is freely printed at the will of those that are part of the federal reserve, and money can be freely seized by the state for pretty much any reason it wants. That is not a social relationship, but one of power. If we truly want to be free people, we must first have economic freedom, and that can only be achieved when we are not subject to poverty by the whims of government bureaucrats, and exploitation at the hands of capitalist.

Governments and Central Banks

Capitalism today is not merely an economic force that displays itself in the world of commerce, but it is a total panoptic zeitgeist. Every facet of our individual lives are decided by this total force that has made itself the predominate mindset, lifestyle, and the very bases of law and government in our society today. Capitalism has merged with the state itself to create state-capitalism–the fascist merging of state and corporate power to further the exploitation and environmental destruction all in the name of corporate profit.

strike_down_capital_by_party9999999-d4d1h23Banks and financial institutions work directly with governments to steal money on-behalf of them, and to also give themselves unfair advantaged in business. The close relationship that finance has with governments allows for banksters to freely violate the law with the known expectation that very little, if anything, will be done to stop them. Banks like HSBC can work directly with terrorist and violet drug cartels to launder their blood money, and even when found guilty, our government refuses to stripped them of their assets, or their power to bank. Governments work hand-in-hand with powerful transnational corporations to allow for and facilitate crimes and human rights violations.

I cannot understand how after so much betrayal, corruption, and outright constitutional violations by the state how anyone could trust these psychopaths who claim they are here to help. It should be clear and obvious to anyone who is paying attention that these are the very people and organizations that rob us, keep us oppressed, and seek only to have power over us. The relationship between the state and oligarchic corporations is fused together with money–the capital which the state issues, and banks inflate via debt. Understand the domination of the political class by the bourgeoisie is done with fiat money. The sooner we can come to understand that this money system is their money system and not ours, the sooner we can set to work at building our own.

A Utopian Fantasy

We now have the tools to create a world-wide global revolution where there no more Gods or Masters of the economic system. We can allow for our peer-to-peer relationships via the internet to become a new paradigm for social, economic, and political organization. No longer do we have to believe in the false divisions of nationality, obey the repugnant laws of states that keep us oppressed and impoverished, nor tolerate governmental theft via law, or the exploration by capitalist allowed by their laws. Through forging a new economy that is built on top of non-state based currencies, we can create a new way forward free from the hands of both statist and capitalist, and their desire to exploit others for their own gains.

The macroeconomic money system has been built in such a way that it ensures the conditions of exploitation exist, and that governments and capitalist alike can systematic steal from the whole population. So long as governments have the power to issue currencies, and work in alliance with banking and finance to enforce their laws; economic power will continue to concentrate itself in the hands of those with that power. This economic system was designed to ensure that 85 people can own more than the bottom 3.5 billion people on the planet–its not a mistake, but by design.

If we are ever to throw off the yoke of capitalism, and to have lives that are more than working at bullshit jobs that we hate, we must first have objects of exchange that are outside of the control of the state, or their crony allies. Bitcoin, and other digital currencies present the most powerful opportunity in a century to create a new, alternative economic system that is outside the control of the state.

We now have the tools to build our exit from the awful system of exploration and purposeless consumption. Together, we can make a choice to reject the state-based system of money, and choose our own kind of money that works best for ourselves and the communities we choose to be part of. Freedom and liberty can only be created when the conditions of oppression are forbidden from existing. By pulling money into the digital realm outside of the hands of states or bankers, we can create a new system of economic exchange and money that does not need the violence of the state, or the exploitation of capitalist.

The Creative Destruction of Bitcoin

A little more than a year ago I covered bitcoin’s creative destruction, and how bitcoin is more efficient money system on several economic levels. We also explored how the near-zero transaction cost of cryptocurrencies creates a monetary system that shall always be more efficient than fiat monetary systems. It is because of this fact that we shall see bitcoin destroy the contemporary models of finance, banking, and monetary systems; while as the same time building something new, better, and more egalitarian in its place. As the bitcoin ecosystem grows, we will see a radical shift of money, finance, and banking away from huge institutions that are embedded within the capitalist structure, to a decentralized, global framework of economic exchange divorced from the state. Schumpeter described this process of creative destruction in chapter 7 of Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy and how capitalism incessantly transforms the economic landscape:

“In capitalist reality as distinguished from its textbook picture, it is not that kind of competition [oligopolistic competition] which counts but the competition from the new commodity, the new technology, the new source of supply, the new type of organization (the largest-scale unit of control for instance)—competition which commands a decisive cost or quality advantage and which strikes not at the margins of the profits and the outputs of the existing firms but at their foundations and their very lives.”

58a7e-9781891396519Smashing Monopolies with Advanced Technology

The superiority of bitcoin as a money system is something that will be proven in the long-run of decades. What bitcoin has accomplished in 5 years alone is astonishing. As a non-goverment money system, bitcoin is not subject to the same legal system, taxation, inflation, or political pressures that all fiat money systems must experience. Bitcoin explicitly lacks the charlatan features that all fiat money systems–this is a feature, not a bug.

Bitcoin exist outside the framework of sovereignty of the state. Bitcoin cannot derive any legitimacy from laws or enforcement, but only from its own merits as money. In doing this, bitcoin points out how corrupt our current economic and political system is, while creating a totally new form of money that is a radical alternative. Bitcoin points out the corrupt relationship between the state, institutions of money, and how that relationship creates oppression for all people.

Today, the oligopolist and monopolist have won. A small handful of companies control vast swaths of industry with the full cooperation of the state. Government pay huge subsidies to mega-corporations while child homelessness is at an all-time high. Governments use the money they control not to help those in need, but to make illegal wars both domestically and abroad. Politicians are paid off openly and without shame, while the banks readily kick hundred of thousands of people out of their homes and into the streets with the full support of the law. Police openly murder children and are readily acquitted and protected by the legal system.

This is a form of inverted totalitarianism monopolizes the structure of power through omitting any democratic process from the economy system. The monopoly of banking, the monopoly of the law, and the monopoly of the issuance of money have all been forcibly justified through extreme campaigns of fear-mongering around the ‘need for safety’. This has nothing to do with economics, efficiency, or safety–it is about corruption and using the state to create laws that protect incumbent industries and politicians.

Breaking these monopolies is the kind of creative destruction that bitcoin is engages in through applying a superior technology. The restructuring of economic power into a digital realm will not only dramatically redistribute wealth away from the old order, but it will also radically transform the size and breadth of the financial economy by several fold. The financial and banking systems will become much more accessible, the nearly 10 million american adults lacking a bank accounts today, and the 2.5 billion unbanked all over the world can now have a real opportunity at financial access in a way that has never been experience before. Those who build these new systems, and utilize the power of bitcoin to revolutionize the financial and banking industries, will be the champions of this new digital economy.

The Revolution of Accounting

The creative destruction of bitcoin strikes at the very root–the very object of exchange–of the capitalist economic structure: money. It is through the explicit destruction of the current payment systems, legal tenders, and the monopolization of those, that bitcoin will reinvent the entire economic. From destroying these old model of finance, banking, and exchange; the entire infrastructure around economic exchange will be recreated in a better, more effective model. A similar revolution happen around 800 years ago in the north of Italy with ‘discovery’ of double-entry accounting.

This novel approach to accounting allowed for merchants to have a much better understanding of their total assets and liabilities, as opposed to the old version of just keeping a daily diary of what they possessed. The real revolution that came from this accounting system was the way to measure, value, and utilize various assets and liabilities in new ways–equity was birthed into the world. This transformed non-active capital that was previously doing nothing, into doing something. Adam Smith talks at further length about this in The Wealth of Nations:

Adam-smith-wealth-of-nationsIt is not by augmenting the capital of the country, but by rendering a greater part of that capital active and productive than would otherwise be so, that the most judicious operations of banking can increase the industry of the country. That part of his capital which a dealer is obliged to keep by him unemployed and in ready money, for answering occasional demands, is so much dead stock, which, so long as it remains in this situation, produces nothing, either to him or to his country. The judicious operations of banking enable him to convert this dead stock into active and productive stock; into materials to work upon; into tools to work with; and into provisions and subsistence to work for; into stock which produces something both to himself and to his country.”

-Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

Though this seems to be the most boring possible topic to be revolutionary, it certainly was. With the development the merchant banks in Northern Italy, now there was a way in which the ‘dead stocks’ of stationary capital could be commoditized. From the ability to much more accurately understand one’s own finances through double-entry accounting, there became a whole new way to utilize, and understand money. This was the revolution that helped create finance as we know it today, and is what also propelled the advancement of capitalism to its place on the world stage it is today.

The great advancement that came from double-entry accounting was the novel approach of pooling money through banks, and then being able to utilize that capital as an active, and productive investment, rather than a dead stock. This meant that many, many more people could access capital for investments than there ever had been available before. This new market for capital and mode to utilize it, fundamentally restructured the economic fabric of life in a way that would indelibly change the future, and advance it towards one of capitalism. This was the first revolution of accounting, and now 800 years later, we are having the second revolution of accounting and measurements.

Building The New in The Shell of the Old

The creative destruction embedded within capitalism can best be understood as a dual force of creative power. It seeks to destroy and defile old ways in the quest to create something more efficient, more masterful of the task at hand. The only way that we can build a new and better world, is through first through destroying the old ways. It is only once we have cleansed ourselves of the inefficiencies of the past, that we are able to fully manifest and powerfully produce the changes we wish to see in the world.

Luca Pacioli–remembered for writing down how to do double-entry account. No one knows who that other guy is.

The revolution of bitcoin is not just in destroying these old financial industries; but building the new system that will be radically better than anything we could imagine. In this brave new world we are quickly coming into, the financial industry as we know it will be crushed in order to make way for the new system of finance. Bitcoin and other digital currencies simply have too low of a transaction cost when compared to the transaction cost of any fiat money system.

The development of the triple-entry accounting system of the blockchain has at its core the same praxis and creative destruction that double-entry account had: to destroy the old order of exchange, to make way for the new, better, and more effective system that can reach and serve many more people than the old system ever could.  What is so revolutionary about this new mode of economic organization is now the arbitrator of measurements within the system of exchange (bitcoin itself) is subject to the same accounting standards as all other actors within the system–the bankers and politicians cannot cheat this system for their own benefit. The bitcoin ecosystem has no way it can just make up new bitcoins, as the state and banks can do with fiat money, or how they can debauch commodity-monies. The real revolution within bitcoin is that makes the banksters, the financiers, and the state subject to the same economic laws that govern everyone else.

Through eliminating the costly, inefficient, slow, burdensome, and corrupt contemporary system of banking, finance, and money itself; there is a whole new economy world to be created. This will exponential increase the productivity of capital, as it no longer has to be subservient to the state, their regulations, or laws that protect their cronies. Bitcoin ensures there is no longer any physical space that must be defended to protect money, so the infrastructure of this new form of capital can extend well beyond the branches of banks, or physical kiosks. Money no longer has any masters–it is free to create the world it sees fit.

What Must Be Done

We have the tools, now we must build the new system. Rome was not built in a day however, and what we are attempting to do is to fundamentally restructure the most prominent aspect of our society and world today: money and wealth. This is an ideological battle of the greatest kind. We are not just trying to address the economic issues at hand, but the mysticism and magic of how money functions. These are huge political, social, and ethical issues that many people today would rather not question or talk about–they would prefer to simply shove their head in the sand and refuse to believe that this is possible.

However the younger, technologically inclined and technology trusting generations will soon come into power against a political and economic system that has willingly and enthusiastically sold them out, disparaging them each step of the way. Spite and the demand for justice is a very powerful thing, and the true revolution is going to come when the youth from all around the globe realize that they can economic and politically organize themselves against the respective systems that have exploit them. The revolution is already in motion; what remains to be seen is how quickly people are going to be willing to seize it for themselves.

Next: Hayek’s Promise

The Magic of Money, The Science of Bitcoin

The greatest barrier to bitcoin adoption today is the mysticism and magic that surrounds money and wealth. Due to this mystical perspective of money, many people do not understand the scientific functions of money as an economic mode of exchange. However, when we can come to understand bitcoin and money from a scientific perspective, we can pull back the curtain of Oz and see the little man for what he is.

The Mysticism of Money

I use the words magic and mysticism very specifically. When I say mysticism, I am not talking about true fairy-tale like mystical forces, but the human perception of the legitimacy of the unknown.  The unsaid agreements that run and dictate larger forces within our society that one does not understand, but one accepts at face value. It is here that we find the sacrifice of knowledge-sovereignty  in exchange for mystical comfort–there is strength to be found in ignorance.

Magic is the application of psychological obfuscation to obscure what the truth is. The application of ‘magic’ creates a mystical story around whatever the target does not understand. This creates the false reflection of truth through offering ‘what is’ as a justification for how it should be. This article in Time Magazine’s blog speaking about the dangers of bitcoin is an example of this.

This article speak of how the most recent report from the consumer financial protection bureau warns that bitcoin is, “Vulnerability to hackers, limited security, excessive costs and scams…Virtual currencies are not backed by any government or central bank, and at this point consumers are stepping into the Wild West when they engage in the market.” However, what Time fails to understand that this is the whole point of bitcoin.

Bitcoin seeks to ensure that West stays wild. It seeks to take money completely out of the hands of governments and regulators due to the fact they cannot be trusted with the economic prosperity of all. This propaganda piece from Time made to scare people into continuing to trust their governments with their money and economic prosperity, despite the mountain of evidence that we should not.

However it is not enough alone to simply use propaganda and lies to create a mysticism–violence, control, and intimidation must also be an implicit facts of how ‘The Story’ is forged. This is part of what creates the ideological paradigm that money must be control by governments, or terrible thing will happen! This story is perpetuated by making money into something that only ‘experts’ can understand, as it is just too complicated, risky, and difficult for the common man to understand.

The Science of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a financial system that is based upon scientific logic. This logic is derived from the mathematical bases and protocol upon which bitcoin is built. Those who use bitcoin understand that the known, limited supply of bitcoin, is part of what creates the value of bitcoin in the first place. Bitcoiners don’t want backdoors built into the protocol, or allow for the suits in banking or government to have any kind of access to their money–that’s the whole point of bitcoin! There is substantial evidence that these bankers and regulators want to be good masters, but they seek to be our masters. There is ample evidence of the long train of abuses that clearly shows what they want to do with that power, and it is not to protect the average citizen.

The myth of money is animated behind the belief that the ruling establishment is pushing that people cannot, and should not have control of their own money. There is not a strong analytically case for this, but half-truths, fear-mongering, and an obscuring of what is true to attempt to herd people away from trying to achieve true economic independence for oneself. Whereas bitcoin and other digital currencies make the argument for why their are powerful modes of exchange and storage of wealth through strong, scientific whitepapers. The virtue of the value of digital currencies come from what they are, and what they are alone–not from the authoritarian systems that ask us to trust them without any reassurances.

The science of bitcoin comes from its mathematical bases, and that anyone can review the code that build it. Bitcoin creates an argument for itself; you can see and understand how it is ‘unhackable’ when stored and used correctly, and see how the cryptography behind bitcoin keeps everything private. You can see how much the fees are for using bitcoin with the knowledge that there no other sort of hidden fees, random fund seizures, or someone who will deny you access to your own money when you need it. Digital currencies can be used anywhere on the planet (and in space as well), and can cross boarders with no hassles or declaration forms to be filled out. Bitcoin is simply better money than fiat simply by what it is.

To Pull Back the Curtain

The con is up. The once ever-so-powerful wizardry that created and legitimized the banking, financial, and money systems can now be seen for the trickery that it is. The internet has given us the access to the information that lets us to tear down the curtain and see the wizard for who he is. As the false prophet flails and panics to put the curtain of obstruction and mysticism back up, we will find that his tale no longer holds the power it once did. We those behind the curtain for the criminal they are, and the way that they do it; now it is just a matter of time before people see these powerful institutions for the criminals that they are as well.

Next: Antifragile Bitcoin

Capital Exit, Capital Strike

“If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible.”

-Henry David Thoreau,

Civil Disobedience  

 Capital Exit

In his 2013 Startup School talk, Balaji Srinivasan, the CEO of the bitcoin computer, proposes the idea of Silicon Valley’s Exit. It’s a brilliant talk and I highly recommend watching it. I have to wonder after watching it if he really eluding to is that Silicon Valley already is exiting?

Software has eaten the world alright, and bitcoin is the software of money. These are arguably some of the best investors in the world who specialize in high-tech, and they are the ones that are the most excited for bitcoin and digital currencies. They must know that bitcoin cannot be seized if the right precautions are taken. They understand that bitcoin and digital currencies are a very real and meaningful exit for capital from the current system. Not that Silicon Valley itself is going to outright secede from the union, and dump all of their money into digital currencies–Heaven’s no. They are simply going to build the tools so people can make that choice for themselves.

Nearly a billion dollars has been invested into the bitcoin ecosystem by VC firms, and that number is growing at a rapid pace. These investments are not direct investments in bitcoin itself, but into companies that are building the architecture around digital currencies–this is the dawn of digital banking. The banking system in desperate need of something to replace it, and bitcoin is just the thing to do it.

Both banking and finance are ripe for disruption and there are huge markets that digital currencies can realistically replace. Today remittance transactions can be done with bitcoin for practically nothing and can reduce consumer fraud to practically nothing. When you consider that remittance transaction are a $500 Billion dollar a year market and that merchants spend $3.5 billion a year in fraud cost each year these are just too big of markets to be ignored.

Remittance flows: Taking over this market is the real target of Bitcoin

The opportunity here is just too good because this is a totally new market. Banking and finance have been a monopoly for a very long time, and when you smash monopolies, you create new markets. Digital currencies are trying to smash the largest and most powerful monopoly that has even been created: Fiat money.

To free capital from the chains that banks and government have wrapped them in is revolutionary in scope, and monumental in size–like the internet, but bigger.

Digital currencies will engage in Schumpeter’s creative destruction and eat the world of finance, banking, and eventually governments themselves. Ironically, Srinivasan and the team at Andreessen-Horowitz may be investing in the very architecture that is going to destroy their system of capitalism all together, and evolve it into a tool for something much greater than the small, oligarch system it is today.

This is the ultimate exit; the one where we build a new system of finance, economics, banking, and government itself to serve anyone with an internet connection. We can use this system to ensure that the violence they want to bring to our bodies can never be done, because they can never find out who we are, or where we keep our money.

Capital exit from fiat currencies and moving to a digital currency is not only an incredible profitable move–it is a righteous and just one too.

Capital Strike

Digital currencies are not just an alternative new money, they are an implicit rejection of the current economy systemAnyone who wants to can organize their own capital strike can simply reject the economy system they have been forced into. Be it that you are tired of getting fucked by late fees at your bank, having ANY government steal your money to fund their wars, or you simply don’t trust having a bank account (as you should not), then bitcoin can help you fight back.

Bitcoin levels the playing field because people now have choice. You can use the bitcoin system to save and move money, or you can use the banking system.

Their system is one of 9-to-5 bullshit jobs, college tuition that is out of the reach of most Americans, and one where government-issued money WILL devalue by 33% over the next 20 years. This is a system that enslaves more people of color than at the peak of slavery in the US, while allowing for banksters to fund terrorist and get away with it. It is quite obvious that this system was not made to benefit you or me, but a very, very small, elite class of people. That is not a system I want anything to do with, and so I am walking away from it.

With bitcoin anyone can walk away from this system, and build something for themselves. Anyone can post an address online and sell their own items, labor, skills, or talents within a huge market that is totally independent of the State and banks.

Sure it’s risky, but you know what? It’s a hell of a lot better then giving your money, time, and labor to a system that is designed to impoverish you.

Opportunities are endless for anyone to join and to build what they want for themselves in the bitcoin ecosystem. The only promise I will give you is that the protocol will not lie–and that is enough to challenge their system of money that is built upon lies and theft.

Either our government has the power to right the wrong and unconstitutional actions this government has engaged in, or they are powerless to do so. In either case, they have proven themselves unfit to govern a people that call themselves free. The tools at are at your disposal, you are free to make the decision for yourself and join us with what we are building.

Either way, I don’t care what you do. What we are building cannot be stopped or denied, and it will change the world.

Next: Bitcoin’s People Problem