Money and The Means of Production

Marx“Each country has its own ruling class. In capitalist countries, the rulers own the means of production and employ workers. The capitalist class is also called the bourgeoisie. Means of production are what it takes to produce goods. Raw materials, satellite networks, machinery, ships and factories are examples. Workers own nothing but their ability to sell their labor for a wage.” -Karl Marx

The means of production are the actual objects that one needs to own in order to be able to produce goods. This could be anything from real land to the machinery that can create textiles. The means of production are investments that will create products, which in turn creates capital for the owner of the means of production so they can pay their workers some portion of that capital. However, in an advanced capitalist society the most prominent means of production is capital alone, and this can be seen with how financial markets now dwarf all other economic markets today.

Considering how deep capitalism penetrates into all facets of our globalized society, it can be said today that capital is the primary means of production. Capital within our society can purchase all, and can do anything, and can make any decision: money is the only true sovereign in a capitalist society.

Everything is for sale, and nothing is scared anymore, including their law. 

The State, Capital, and The Means of Production

politicians and bankersMoney is the central component of a capitalist system. This once was gold, sliver, and other commodity-monies, but as the state grew in power throughout the centuries, it came to regard the freedom of money as ‘dangerous’ and seized all forms of commodity-monies. Ironically, FDR did this to save capitalism, and in doing so he created the conditions state-capitalism. Check out this link for more on bitcoin and the history of money to understand how money has become nothing more than government debt backed by legal violence.

In this last stage of capitalism, the power of the state and capital become one; fused through totalitarian state capitalism by the monopolization of the monetary system. No longer is the separation of money from the state, or the state from money possible–they have fused together with state’s control of the monetary system. Due to the monopoly on the right to violence governments also hold, this gives them the power to ensure that only they can issue money. The state has forced people to give up real commodity monies with intrinsic value, for fiat scrips with no underlying value. This action took place over the course of the last century along with a complex campaigns of psychological warfare against the liberty of money to allow for the state itself to become money.

It is because of this that today gold and silver are little more than investment scams ran by the same banks that peddle the state’s fiat scrips.  Nearly all economic exchange is taking place using fiat money; a money that cannot be differentiated or distinguished from state power itself. Through the legalized monopoly that central banks have, the state now fully controls the means of exchange and the mode of production within advanced capitalist societies: money.

Money as Propaganda


11th century Venetian gold ducat

The greatest secret about money is that it is only social–only men can create money, nature cannot. However, nature does create value, and it is this that we are seeking out.

From the very first forms of money, it has always been maintained by statist that it is not the precious metal that has value, but the stamp that is malleated into the gold or silver which has value. This is nothing more than propaganda. It is part of the greater illusion that the state has any bearing on the value of money.

The states original purpose for stamping commodity monies was to act as fair and just regulator in the setting of the weights and measure for coinage. However that was centuries ago, and is little more than a tale to justify government seigniorage. Today the state has anointed itself with the very right to create money and however much it they may choose. Through the complete need for the state to monopolize money, we also see the signature of why money must be monopolized by the state in the first place.

Money is the true sovereign. Money alone can decide the exception to the law.  

Money is the final weapon in an advanced capitalist society, as money is the most powerful form of production in an advance technological society. Through using a monetary system that is outside of the control of any state, we are creating the scaffolding for the next epoch of society. Through using money that is controlled by no state, but the internet itself; we will usher in the hegemony of the digital. This is the bases for a new form of sovereignty and economics in a post-statist world.

Monetary Control = Economic Control = Political Control


The command of money is little more than command of the economy itself. This is why the state must control money, or else it will lose control of all the fuckery they do within the economy. This is why exiting from the fiat economy and using cryptocurrencies is the most power form of protest that one can take. Through using cryptocurrencies we seize the greatest means of production in our society: The monetary system itself.

When less than 100 people owning more wealth than the billions of people in the entire lower half of society, it is clear who owns the monetary system. Through refusing to use their corrupt, inflationary money; we seize the greatest means of production and deactivate the state totalitarian machine.

Through striking at the monopolization of money itself, we strike at the very root, the very heart of the problem in our globalized world today.

Too few have owned too much, at the expense of too many, for too long.

We will change this.

We are choosing to use a different monetary system. One that is protected by the immanence of cryptography, and outside of the corrupt hands of the state. By using and hodling digital currencies, we are seizing the most powerful means of production in our society, and how the state keeps control of our lives and economy. By striking at money itself, we can reappropriate our economic system from the hands of the state capitalism, and usher in a new era of freedom, and liberty for all.