The Reappropriation of Our Economic System

What we have been taught about money and the economic system is little more than a collection of lies, and propaganda shoved down our throats at the point of a knife. Our economy is far from being fair, or free; and we are exploited by the whims of capitalist whom have received the seal of approve from all governments. The financialization of the economy by the state started with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and finalized with the abandonment of the gold standard. This was the beginning of the end of money having independent value from governments. When governments of the world discovered at Bretton Woods that they could simply end the convertibility of gold, and all governments could move forwards with only fiat money they were exuberant. This removed the greatest check on government power that has ever exist: the power of the purse.

To Smash the Chains

resist_oppression_communism_greenThe legacy of capitalism is deep, profound, and all encompassing within our society. The reification of everything by capitalism has left no stone unturned, and has sucked every facet of life into the economic sphere. This is not the capitalism that Smith and Ricardo understood; but a distorted, anti-human Deus ex Machina careening toward the destruction of both humanity and Earth. This greatest evidence of this is in the near complete and total environmental destruction that we have experiences all over the world with the sixth great extinction of species from this planet. Indiscriminate of nationality, race, or origin; our oceans, skies, water, and land has all been polluted and raped by the powers that be. The very governments that were empowered with protecting our sacred rights were overthrown by capitalist gangsters; thugs in suits who auctioned everything off for a meager thirty pieces of silver.

The issue is not with the capitalists who only know corruption and theft–this should be expect from them most of all! The issue is with the state, politics, and the corruption that has enveloped all aspects of our social spheres. This system is corrupted and festering to the core; it cannot be saved, nor should it. The men of politics who hold themselves in such high esteem for being the negotiators of the prostitute our political system are the very ones that hold us down to be raped and used, again, and again by the capitalist machine. Our cries of consanguinity are never heard; we are little more than objects to be tolerated by them, while they exploit us to our deaths. If we are to be liberated, and free, as we were promised by our forefathers and the constitutions that govern us, than we must smash the chains of economic enslavement which we keeps us tethered to the destructive machine that we call capitalism.

To Break a Monetary System

We must harness the power of markets and entrepreneurship for the good of all, while dividing ourselves from the parasitic nature of capitalism. We must rip power away from a corrupt state which empowers a very small, exclusive class of people to the right of destroying the world of tomorrow, for a collection of trinkets today. If we are to ensure that we have something to offer to our children other than imprisonment, and a burned Earth, than we must choose to end this system of abuse now, today, and permanently.

This can be done. We have the means to break this totalitarian socio-political-economic system of the old world, and usher in a new era of global development outside of the hands of both the state, and capitalism. We can reappropriate our respective national monetary systems, for new, independent digital ones. Through this single action alone–through the reclamation of our economic power–we shall create a domino effect that shall ripple throughout the economic, political, and social structures of the world. Through using an independent money whose control and power comes from outside of the state, people can reappropriate their economic power for themselves. This will come at the direct expense of the state and capitalist who bleed us like the vampires and leeches they are. By breaking the monopolistic control of the means of exchange by the state, we shall expropriated the system of exchange, and the means of exchange itself back to its rightful owners: the general public.

We see the corruption of their system. Beneath the shimmering veneer of capitalism’s accomplishments and supposed progress, lay the untold billions of shatter lives. At its base we see that the law is nothing more that offical violence–state sanctioned terrorism with propaganda from a capitalist third estate.  To fight their violence we must use the most powerful weapon at our disposal to rid ourselves of this barbaric system:

Non-violent, direct economic action

Through simply using another form of money, we banish the violence and vicious fist of the state from the economic power that each one of us generates. No longer would the state have the ability to rob us, nor would they be able to fund their crimes, or continue their corrupt regimes. To cripple the monetary system would strike at the very heart of the corrupt state-capitalist machine, and would cause for it to come to a grinding hault.

International Money for All

bitcoin-networkEach state is invested into its own system of governance, money, and taxes so that the small powerful elite can rule over all for their own pleasure. They keep their power not through democratic means, but through oppression, division, regulations, controls, taxes, boarders, prisons, levies, and so much more. This is not for protection of the masses, but their oppression. This is not create justice, but to maintain injustice. Governments create these artificial rules and regulations so that they may steal from their people, and keep them divide and silent. We must see their petty tactics for what they are, and see the magnitudes of our own strength which we have in our numbers.

For the first time in human history we can smash these artificial boundaries and false consciousnesses of nationality and statism, and find solidarity in working together through simple rejecting their corrupt economic and political systems. There are billions of people across the global that create trillions of dollars of economic wealth each year; and yet these very same people live a life of poverty and insecurity from the exploitation they face. Through creating a new popular front against capitalist exploitation under the guise of the state, we can create a new economic and political movement that can break the bonds of debt that have enslaved us.

Using digital currencies as a political action, we can reappropriate our economic wealth away from the hands of corrupt politicians and their capitalist allies, while create a revolutionary new way forward. This single action alone can ensure that we will no longer be enslaved to the same system of debt bondage that has created the conditions of the world today. Together, as a single unite body of free people, we can banish the last vestiges of slavery from this planet for all history moving forward.

The crux of power within this system is control of the economy. This control is exerted through the monopolization of the object of exchange: Money. Governments steal fragments of the wealth from each and every person on this planet through taxation and inflation, while also give themselves the power to punish with legal violence and death to anyone who opposes this monopoly. The minders of this monopolies are the capitalist banksters, thugs who strut about in fine suits with no shame of their avarice, or the blood that taints their money. Through the direct expropriation of the system that benefits only the 1% at the expense of everyone else, we will  create better conditions for the great tide of all.

International Direct Economic Action


We do not seek to create a party or to organize with titles and salutations; we simply demand direct action. We understand the most significant action we can take is to refuse to participate within the old economic system, while building our own independent one. Through boycotting fiat money and using digital currencies instead, we create a dual power of both economic boycott from the current system, and economic solidarity with the new emerging one.

This new system of exchange is not based upon the false nationalities that have been assigned to us, but upon the permanence of mathematics that applies to all of us. It is a form of money that is inclusive of all peoples, regardless of whatever oppressive state one may be forced to live under. Most of all, bitcoin is a form of exchange that is outside of the control of both statist scum, and capitalist pigs. It is a totally new form of money upon which we can build a new system of exchange, and an independent economic system. If we are ever to liberate ourselves from the chains of capitalism, and the impressment of debt, then building a new and independent economic outside of their control is the only way that we can move forward.

Bitcoin and other digital currencies can be the tools upon which we build this great new economic and monetary union–but only if people are willing to learn and participate. We know that there is a deep people problem with bitcoin, and that we will need to educate and agitate if we are to create a real and substantial change. This is the start of the global economic revolution that will smash down the artificial boarders that separate us, and will economically unite us against our respective oppressors. Bitcoin is the new economic Popular Front against the exploitation of capitalist, and enslavement from tyrannical state governments around the world.

Next: Bitcoin, Economic Resistance, and Justice

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