Bitcoin, Economic Resistance, and Justice

“After all, the practical reason why, when the power is once in the hands of the people, a majority are permitted, and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are most likely to be in the right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest. But a government in which the majority rule in all cases cannot be based on justice, even as far as men understand it. Can there not be a government in which majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience? — in which majorities decide only those questions to which the rule of expediency is applicable? Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right. It is truly enough said that a corporation has no conscience; but a corporation of conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

I love Thoreau’s unapologetic diatribe against the state, and the banal evil of the hollow men of governments–I cannot recommend more highly to read Civil Disobedience. More than a century and a half ago, Thoreau could plainly see the preposterousness of the idea of a just government. Governments are institutions amongst men, and derive their power and justice from the magnanimity of the men within those institutions. When these institutions of government are taken over by cowards and make their objective to destroy the very constitutional rights from which their power is formed; such organizations can no longer be called legitimate. The whole world knows of the crimes of the American Empire and its axis of capitalist corruption. Now is the time to resist, and fight back before it is too late.

Direct Economic Action

I have always been one to believe that there is no revolutionary action except for direct action. Resistance is something that must be preformed at the exact time and space where injustice is occurring in order for true change to be manifested. This is deeply problematic when we live in a capitalist society that itself is the bases of injustice, exploitation, and alienation. How can one resist an entire social, political, and economic system that is based upon systematic injustice by the state working hand-in-hand with the corporate, oligarchic machinery of late capitalism? The totality, and wholeness of this vast complex of power relations finds their nexus within the legal structure of the state, seems impossible to change or resist.

That is until now.refuse-debt

Nation-States, from the most corrupt failed states, to the superpowers of China, Germany, and the United States; ALL maintain their power and control on their populations only and explicitly through the control of capital–if they cannot control the money, they cannot control the population.

If even 5% of the world’s population refuses to use their governments fiat currency; this would cause for a collapse of their unjust monetary system overnight. The governments, politicians, and capitalists who use our money to fund their wars cannot exist within the digital currency ecosystem. If you want to fight back directly, in a way that will true hurt these monsters; than withdraw your economic support for their corrupt money.

Through this single action–the rejection of using and holding fiat money–can cause for a financial collapse of the old, antiquated, corrupt system of money, while bolstering and legitimizing the new digital economy. This is a capital strike–a refusal to invest or participate in the corrupt economic structure that has left 3.5 billion people with the same amount of wealth as 85 people. I refuse to participate in this evil system, and I refuse to let these fascist use any of my labor, wealth, or exchange to support these conditions.

My revolution is now, and it is permanent–I hope you will join me.

Digital currencies will replace fiat government systems of money–it is simple too effective as a money system. At some point, be it 5, 10, or 30 years down the line, citizens across the globe will take the power of the purse away from government hands, and returning it to the people. By using new, alternative forms of money that the state does not explicitly control, people all over the world can choose to reject their government’s money systems and the endemic and systematic corruption of power enables.

If you truly want to fight back against the state and their oligarchic allies; than the most powerful action you can take is refusal. Refusing to participate in their official economy, using their money institutions, or being a cog in their machines. By refusing to use, or hold fiat currency, one can help start the process of stripping the state, and the banks they are lapdogs to, of their economic power. This single action alone can be what can take down the capitalist empires of exploitation, and return economic power to the hands of the people, where it rightfully belongs.

Student Debt Resistance

I need not to make the argument for the injustice at the price of education, nor the way that people are made into indentured servants of the state for little more than wanting to educate themselves. There is more student debt today that what the entire budget of the United States federal government was in 1965. Private profiteers, and banksters of the most unscrupulous sort, are allowed to leech profits from this debt, participating with the state in direct exploitation of students, and former students, as equitable partners with the state for this right of mass extortion. This is debt bondage in exchange for a certificate of graduation that offers one the false promise of employment upon graduation. You were scammed, and now you must repay them.

On the poverty of student life was an influential piece of writing from 1966 that helped ignite the shortly lived revolutions of May 1968. This work speaks broadly about the hope of youth for a future that was not determined by the exploitation of capitalism and the demand to fight for that future. The underlying point is that being a student is as subservient to the capitalist structure of the world today just as much as any other corporate job. So called ‘education’ within the ridged structure of capitalist universities is not education–it’s ideology. The apparent freedom of university is the iron cage of academia where the erudite elitism of the intelligentsia is a reflection of the same narrow, manufactured dialog of politics. The education systems are not about empowerment or agency, but subservience to the current superstructure of the capitalist world today.

To strike debt; to refuse to pay or service it can and will bring the whole system to a stand still. If a debt strike can be organized for people to default on student debts, or debts of all kinds at the same time, would cause for a total collapse of the monetary and banking systems–international financial contagion would be inescapable. If executed correctly it would take less than one month to see systemic economic crisis. This is the system that has sold out our future, has allowed for the total and complete destruction of the environment and millions of species, all while leaving our posterity broke and impoverished. This can only be defined as unjust and despotic. Resistance must begin somewhere, and I see no better place then here.

To Struggle

We have been taught, ingrained in a pavlovian way, to feel powerless against what seems to be an omnipotent force of the state that is fully against our struggle. It seems easier to simply give up, to not struggle, to find a way to compromise with the system as it is. We pretend that there is not a gross psychological damage that we undertake by living in this capitalist world where everything is for sale, nothing is sacred, and the largest criminals of all go free. We are permitted to have our own little fiefdom of superfluous trinkets and toys, in exchange for our compliance and silence with the machinery of capitalism. We are told by others and ourselves that this is a fair exchange only to find ourselves sobbing inconsolably on top of our piles of trinkets; knowing the price of our estrangement from our innermost self. 

RevolutionarySuicide now one of the leading cause of premature death in the united states, and depression is the world’s leading debilitating illness. The estrangement of meaning and purpose from everyday live; ripped away and replaced with the meaningless, soul-sucking existence of bullshit jobs, and vacuous social connections has launched us headlong into the society of the spectacle unhinging itself. The world makes visible the primacy of commodities dominating all that is lived. The world of the commodity is thus shown for what it is, because its movement is identical to the estrangement of men among themselves and in relation to their global product.

It is nothing short of childish to not see the mental toil and exhaustion from living under this despotism. We must valiantly and passionately strike against this way of life that has robbed our lives of dignity, meaning, and purpose for far too long. Inside of each one of us is the drive to zealously seek for something better–the hope of building a better tomorrow is what drives us, and this force alone can change the world. The revolutionary struggle patiently awaits us; whispering to us to rise and taken our proper place in chronos of the liberation of mankind.

To Take Justice

Justice must be taken. It will not be freely given by these governments, or the political institutions that are part of them. That request was made in the streets years ago and it was met with the heavy truncheon of the state’s fascist police armies. Protesting is little more than being a lamb to the slaughter, displaying that political reform is impossible. If we are to have justice, it must be something that we make for ourselves, and refuse to compromise on.

To directly attack capital itself is to strike at the very root and essence of our struggle. Our quest is to fracture the unholy alliance between capitalists and the state through destroying the object that unites them: fiat money. This is a direct plan of attack; an offensive and purposeful mode of resistance that as it gains momentum, it can become the revolutionary force of a general capital strike. If you want justice, than go and take it!

Refuse to accept the conditions which have been impressed upon you! Fight back and struggle against those who keep you under the bootheel of poverty and totalitarianism for their own benefits. Disparage the cowardly fascists who sell your security, freedom, and rights for their own temporary safety. No one will come and tell you fight back against an entire system that seeks to exploit and alienate you from your own being and worth–you must find that inside of yourself and will-to-power the meaning to fight back and resist! The commanders of this economic and political system are cowards and fascists who care nothing for the meaning of justice, liberty, or freedom. They are scare and pathetic little men who allow for their morals and ethics to be commanded by others as thoughtless machines. Allow for the labor and wealth that you command to be a friction against the machine, and part of the great liberation of the digital economy away from the bloody and grimy hands of the state and the capitalist pigs that control them.

Next: Financial Insurrection

Justice Malcolm X


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